Thursday 25 April 2024

Newsletter #28

 April 25th Edition of

The K/1 Class News

Hello Everyone!

What a week!! We couldn’t have crammed more in if we had tried! Monday was Earth Day and the chicks started hatching! The class had fun dressing up like book characters, shopping at the book fair and of course watching the chicks hatch. 


Our field trip to town was a lot of fun! Even if it rained a bit, the kids learned about fire safety, got to go in the fire truck, played a lot at the parks and had a VIP tour of Thrifty’s! We were surprised with goodie bags and treats!


The Spring Showcase was also a huge hit. So much talent from our school! A great way to wrap up the week. 


Thursday was Mrs. Cheryl’s last day with us (tear). We will all miss her but wish her well on her next chapter! I’m sure she will be back to say hi. 


Important Dates to Remember:

May 7th – Class/school photos

May 9th – Trip to see the Tsunami Circus 

May 14th – Volunteer appreciation tea 1pm

May 20th – Victoria Day-No School

May 24th – School in session


Have a nice weekend.


Ara Van Riel






Thursday 18 April 2024

Newsletter #27

 April 18th Edition of

The K/1 Class News

Hello again. We had a fun week, and all enjoyed the beautiful weather! 


The bake sale on Monday was a hit and everyone was thrilled to check the eggs as we track the chick development. We even saw little movements! 


Mrs. Cheryl started teaching about capacity and volume in math and we got all the way to number 10 in our language learning! 


We have started learning about communities and started with the family community. Our trip to town will highlight our island community as we learn about community helpers. Please be sure to return the permission slips and $5 by Monday.


Next week will be a busy one! We will browse the book fair on Monday (It is also Earth Day!) and make a “wish list” of books to bring home for you to look over. Tuesday will be the buy day at the book fair for those who want to buy and is also the dress up like a book character day! Parents are invited to come buy books at lunch play (12-12:40) and from 3-4pm. Tuesday is also hatch day for the chicks so is sure to be a fun-filled and crazy day. Wednesday is our field trip day. We will be back by 2:55pm so whatever the usual after school plan is will apply. 


Thursday is the Spring Showcase and parents are welcome to come watch! It will start at 1pm. Thursday is also Mrs. Cheryl’s last day and then she will have completed her practicum!! Well done. We will miss her.


Important Dates to Remember:

April 22nd – Earth Day

April 23rd – Book Fair and dress like a book character day!

April 23rd – Hatch Day!

April 24th – Community Helpers Field Trip to town (Fire Hall and Thrifty Foods)

April 25th - Spring Showcase 1pm (parents are welcome to come watch!)

April 25th – Mrs. Cheryl’s last day!

May 7th – Class/school photos

May 9th – Trip to see the Tsunami Circus 

May 14th – Volunteer appreciation tea 1pm

May 20th – Victoria Day-No School

May 24th – School in session


Have a nice weekend, enjoy the sun!

Ara Van Riel

Stations in the gym!

Hungry Hippo game

Making birdhouse designs and a picnic! 

Learning stations

Working in the garden






Newsletter #28

  April 25 th   Edition of The K/1 Class News Hello Everyone! What a week!! We couldn’t have crammed more in if we had tried! Monday was Ear...