Thursday 25 January 2024

Newsletter #17

 January 25th Edition of

The K/1 Class News

Hi Everyone!

Another week goes by. It was a rather mellow week compared to the excitement of snow last week and a few people being away. Now that the snow has all but melted, things are wet! Thank you for sending great outdoor gear. 


We have been learning about the ‘at’ word family and the identifying the beginning, middle and end in a story. In writing, the focus has been adding spaces between words as well as more details to the pictures. In addition to our daily number work, we focused on making 10 using tens frames. 


Quentin came and told us a story about honesty, always good to remember the importance of being truthful. 


Next week we will be on the letter ‘P’ for Show and Tell. 


I will be hosting Student Led Conferences on February 14. This is an early dismissal day (12pm), and you are invited to come in and let your child show you some of what they have been learning. I will be sending you a sign-up document soon. Please sign up for a time slot that works for you.


Important Dates to Remember:

February 1 PAC Winter dance 6-8pm in the gym

February 13 The Circle

February 14 Early Dismissal/Student Led Conferences

February 14 Valentine’s Day

February 19 Family Day (no school)

February 23 School in session

February 28 Pink Shirt Day



Ara Van Riel

Quentin helped the class draw eagle feathers while sharing a story.

Centres time

The forest is a flood!

We found rabbit tracks.

Making vivid chalk colours.

The last of the snow.





Thursday 18 January 2024

Newsletter #16

 January 18th Edition of

The K/1 Class News

Hi Everyone!

What a crazy week! The cold snap continues and with snow days and snowstorms, I hope everyone has stayed warm and safe.


While at school, we continued our learning and enjoyed being together. The highlights were the snow and frozen bog. 


We have been focusing on balance in PE. We also continued with our Oral Language Groups and had another session of The Circle. We continue to work on reading, writing and math skills and will be starting in on Story Workshop next week.  

Next week will be 'O' week for Show and Tell.

Kindergarten registration has opened early this year! Please let any families with children turning 5 this year to register as soon as possible.


Important dates to remember:

January 19 - Professional Development Day 

January 23 - Kickstart to Kindergarten event for incoming K's

February 1 - PAC Family Dance, time TBA

February 14 - Valentine's Day and Early dismissal for Student Led Conferences. Sign-up sheet to come.

February 19 - Family Day-no school

February 23 - School in session


Enjoy the weekend!



Ara Van Riel

Centres creations

Checking out the frozen bog!

Our view!

More amazing creations!






Thursday 11 January 2024

Newsletter #15

 January 11th Edition of

The K/1 Class News

Welcome back Everyone!

I hope you all had a good holiday and are ready for a great new term. The kids are quickly readjusting to the routines and expectations of the classroom and are likely pretty tired out after our days!


On Monday the students were very excited to be back at school. It is always nice to reconnect with friends and get back into routine. Please ask your child if they have extra clothes left at school as my supply of spares has mostly been leant out. Thanks to those of you who have washed and returned borrowed items. It is VERY wet in our forest and kids often get splashed or trip and need to change.


This week we learned about the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. We also made bird feeders and hung them around the forest. 


In math, the focus has been on one more and one less plus general number sense. 


We continue to work on reading and writing and have had a focus on learning rhyming, isolating the beginning sound and _at words. 


Next week is ‘Nn’ week for Show and Tell.


It was a great first week back. I hope you enjoy your weekend. Perhaps there will be snow!

Important Dates to Remember

January 16 - The Circle

February 1 -  PAC Family Dance time TBA

February 14 - Valentine's Day and Early dismissal for Student Led Conferences. Sign up sheet to come.

February 19 - Family Day-no school

February 23 - School in session



Ara Van Riel

 We are enjoying the new playground!

 Snowflake station

 Reading time

 Making bird feeders

 All ready for the cold!

 Fun in the gym


Newsletter #28

  April 25 th   Edition of The K/1 Class News Hello Everyone! What a week!! We couldn’t have crammed more in if we had tried! Monday was Ear...