November 5th Edition of
The Kindergarten Class News
Hello once again!
We had another eventful week!
Monday, we practiced printing the lowercase ‘g’. We also started practicing underhand throwing in the gym and made beautiful art inspired by the book, “Rainbow Fish”. Later we started a unit on hibernation and had fun being squirrels in the forest.
On Tuesday we had another session of our story sequencing, compared animals who hibernate vs those who migrate and played in centres. The class worked on poppy art with Mrs. Lamirand and then we went outside.
Wednesday the class learned more about numbers in a fun card game, wrote about things that are loud in their journals and went to the library. Later we started learning a song that will be broadcasted at our virtual Remembrance Day assembly.
On Thursday we reviewed some of our letter through a rainbow letter activity. Later we played another card game with numbers and the class made more poppy art. Class photos were sent home today. Remember that you can order online.
As we are now in the rainy season, please remember to send your child to school with a rain jacket and rubber boots. We spend time outdoors most days and the children need a waterproof layer. The forest paths have now become flooded and the kids enjoy splashing around in the water!
Unfortunately, Megan is no longer able to be our class rep. Would any of you like to step up and take this job? It’s mainly just to have someone in charge of notifying the people who signed up for the snow day phone tree. Please let me know.
Important Dates to Remember:
Nov. 10 Fulford’s Virtual Remembrance Day Assembly
Nov. 11 School closed for Remembrance Day Holiday
Nov. 13 School in session
Dec. 3 Early dismissal
Have a great weekend!
Ara Van Riel
Painting our rainbow fish.
Wow! Such talent from those kids. Thank you for giving us this little glimpse into their adventures, it is greatly appreciated!