April 26th Edition of
The Kindergarten Class News
Hello again.
Hello sunshine! Everyone has enjoyed the beautiful weather this week. Please remember to send your child to school with sunscreen on and a hat if you feel they need it. We are loving the sun.
Monday was a holiday.
On Tuesday we worked on an Earth Day inspired craft and writing project. We also practiced printing the letter ‘x’ which can be tricky for some kids who aren’t used to making the diagonal lines.
Wednesday the kids worked on number recognition and identifying higher or lower numbers through a card game. We also talked about dreams for the future and the kids wrote about what they’d like to be when they grow up. There were some creative answers! Later we all walked down to Pebble (aka Shell) beach and enjoyed an afternoon by the sea. It was a perfect day for it!
On Thursday West and Aurelia presented at Whole School Meeting and the class went to Music. Later we worked on segmenting words into sounds in our Oral Language Groups and then became “nature detectives” during our outside time.
Friday was a school day and we ran on a Monday schedule. We worked on filling in the middle vowel sounds in words and found different ways to make 10 in math. During our outside time we tried an experiment about getting worms to surface and then enjoyed the sunny forest.
As the end of the year approaches, there will be many events and changes to the regular schedule. Please be sure to check the blog and the school calendar to ensure you are aware of upcoming fieldtrips or happenings.
Important dates to remember:
May 7th Antler Ridge Dance classes begin again.
May 13th Class and School Photos
May 15th Field trip to the Ganges Fire hall and the library (permission slip to come).
May 20th Victoria Day (No school)
May 21st Volunteer Tea at 2pm
May 24th Friday School Day/ Jump Rope for Heart.
Have a nice weekend.
Ara Van Riel
Marble painting to make Earth!
Everyone wanted to go to the "earring store"!
On our way to the beach!
What a day for the beach! It was a wonderful afternoon.
Looking for things in nature.
Working on vowel sounds.