February 25th Edition of
The Kindergarten Class News
Here are some highlights from our cold week:
Monday the school was closed for Family Day.
On Tuesday the class was excited to share stories about their weekend. We continued our work with measurement (remembering the baseline) and started learning about syllables in our Oral Language groups. Later, the kids went to the library, and we searched for shapes in nature.
Wednesday was Pink Shirt Day! We had good conversations about kindness and worked with that theme all day. We also had our first (inside) Whole School Meeting of the school year! It was so nice to be able to gather together again.
Thursday, we measured ice-cream cones, learnt about how different coloured fruits/vegetables help our bodies in different ways and learned a new Word of the Week (she).
Friday was a school day and PJ day! Everyone looked very comfy. Whenever Monday is a holiday, Friday runs on a Monday schedule (Show and Tell etc.). So, we worked on printing, art (learning about cool colours) and went on a nature walk to the frozen bog. It was a beautiful afternoon.
March 3rd will be an early dismissal day for the Parent-Teacher meetings. I will be contacting the parents who I need to meet with to arrange a time. If you don’t hear from me but have something you would like to discuss about your child, please reach out. Priority will be given to those I didn’t get a chance to meet with the last time.
We still need parent volunteers to help with the book fair. If you would like to help, please get in touch with Rebecca.
Important dates to remember:
February 25 School in session
February 28 Dance workshop
March 3 Early dismissal
March 10 Book Fair
March 11 Friday school day
March 18 Spring break begins
Ara Van Riel and Ms. Janice
Measuring polar animals.