Thursday, 27 September 2018

Newsletter #3

September 27th Edition of
The Kindergarten Class News

Hello Everyone!
What a busy week! Here are some highlights:

On Monday the class started printing practice. We are working from Printing Like a Pro and the first letter in this series is the lowercase letter ‘Ll’. We call this group of letters “the downers” as they start at the top and slide down the paper. We also visited the library and signed out books to take home. Please be sure to return these books by Monday each week so that your child can sign out a new one. Later we experimented with making different kids of lines, learned about the life cycle of a flower and planted bulbs outside for spring!

Tuesday was Orange Shirt Day. It was wonderful seeing all the bright signs of support around the school all day. We also worked in our journals, learned about making patterns at the outdoor classroom and spent time in the forest. One highlight of the day was the Luv 2 Groove dance workshop that we participated in. The kids had a blast learning some pretty cool dance moves!

Wednesday we practiced our reading, learned more about math patterns and a fun alphabet game. We also took advantage of the beautiful day and took our lunches outside for a picnic! Later we harvested apples from our garden trees for our Garden Harvest Lunch next week and played in the forest.
On Thursday the class had free choice in the gym, worked on matching lowercase letters to their uppercase partners, went to Whole School Meeting (Rowan and Harvey presented!) and had Music class. Later Mr. B taught the class so that I could be in a meeting.

We started our photo board presentations on Thursday and the kids loved looking at all the pictures and learning about their friends. Next week we look forward to the following presentations:
Monday: Caleb and Chet
Tuesday: Drew and Emma
Wednesday: Galini and Grace
Thursday: Harvey and Jace 

Next Thursday is our Fall Garden Harvest Feast! Students are asked to bring a bowl and spoon with their lunch snacks next Thursday because we do not have enough dishes for all of the classes. There will be applesauce, crumble and soup. 

Here are some important dates coming up in October:
October 4- Garden Harvest Lunch
October 8- Thanksgiving- schools closed
October 12- School in session
October 23- Photo day

Please remember to fill out the criminal record check (if you haven’t already) if you are thinking about volunteering your time in class or on field trips. To access the online request go to:
Access Code:DNW8SBGDPQ

Have a nice weekend!
Ara Van Riel

Planting bulbs

 Luv 2 Groove!

Learning about patterns

Picnic in the sun!

Apple picking

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Newsletter # 2

September 20th Edition of
The Kindergarten Class News

Hello Everyone!
The children continue to do an excellent job at school. They are all well adapted now and are aware of expected behaviour and routines. I hope you enjoy hearing some of the highlights of our week.

On Monday, Quentin Harris visited the class to introduce himself and play a getting to know you game. Quentin helps to infuse aboriginal ways of knowing into the curriculum around the district. He is a lot of fun. We also practiced making our names with different colours and enjoyed our PE class outside. As always, we finished our day out in the forest.

Tuesday, we continued to learn about playing cooperatively in the gym, started to learn about writing in our journals, had an apple tasting/graphing activity, and created a beautiful alphabet out of natural objects found in and around the forest. 

Wednesday was a half-day to accommodate the parent-teacher meetings. We still managed to fit in our gym time, we learned about colours and shapes through a shape bingo game and played in Big Centres. 

On Thursday the kids drew/wrote about the members of their family, had free choice in gym, went to our Whole School Meeting (Elijah won a T-shirt for Orange shirt day and Jace and Harvey won bracelets). The kids also had Music class, centres and explored the forest.

I am looking for a Class Rep. for our class. This is a parent who would be willing to call other parents about PAC matters or activate the phone tree (in case of a snow day, for example). If you would be willing to take this on please let me know. 

Scholastic Book Club catalogues were sent home on Thursday. There are many great and affordable books listed. Please return the orders to me by Sept. 27th if you would like anything. There is also an online ordering option. If you would prefer not to receive the catalogues in the future, please let me know. 

Next Tuesday is Orange Shirt Day. This is a day students and staff are encouraged to wear orange in spirit of reconciliation and hope because every child matters.

If you are able to volunteer in the classroom or on fieldtrips, please be sure to complete the criminal record check required by the district. Here is the link:
To access the online request go to:
Access Code:DNW8SBGDPQ
I will be needing about 3 volunteers on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd to help the class peel and cut apples for our Apple Festival on Sept. 4th.  If you are able to come in to help from about 10:30-12 on this day I would appreciate it! I’ll take the first 3-4 to respond.

Important Dates to Remember
Sept. 25th Orange Shirt Day
Sept. 27th Book orders due
Oct. 4th Garden Harvest Lunch/Apple Festival 
Oct. 23rd School photos

Have a great weekend!
Ara Van Riel

 Alphabet puzzle.

Working on names.

Counting and painting!

Letter practice.

 Working on words.

Play dough.

 Chalk writing and drawing!

Part of our natural alphabet.

Forest play!

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Newsletter #1

September 13th Edition of
The Kindergarten Class News

Hello families! 
I hope you enjoy hearing about what we are up to each week as the year progresses through this blog. 

We had an exciting first week as a whole class.  Everyone is learning about the expectations and routines at school and the kids are catching on quickly. Well done!

The students have enjoyed getting to know each other this week and have had lots of fun learning about names and spending time in nature. They are also learning how to play safely with each other in the gym and outdoors.

On Monday we made pom-pom first initials, charted all of the class birthdays and visited the library. Next Monday the children will be able to sign out a library book to take home. Please return the book each week so they can exchange it every Monday. In the afternoon we went outside and experimented with objects that sink or float and explored the forest. 

Tuesday we welcomed Olive and Colleen (our speech and language experts) in to read a book about Whole Body Listening. A handout about this was sent home in the planner. Ask your child to tell you about it if you wish. We also played around with writing our names in shaving cream and hand a nature scavenger hunt. It was a stormy afternoon and the kids were all excited to hear thunder.

On Wednesday we read a book about apples and created apple tree art. We continued to work on playing safely and cooperatively in the gym and Kaz came in to start a unit on friendship. We then spent the afternoon in the forest.

Thursday we practiced our alphabet knowledge, went to our second Whole School Meeting and had Music class. We also took a walk to the bog near the school and had our school Terry Fox Run. It was clear everyone was tired out by the end of the week but we still enjoyed our day.

Thank you to those of you who have already sent in school supplies, the class fee ($20) and the planner fee ($6.50). It is appreciated.

On Wednesday, September 20 there will be an early dismissal and students will be ready for pick up at 11:30. This is to facilitate the “Tell me about your child” meetings in the afternoon. As we have all just met, I don’t think it is necessary to meet again so soon. However, if you have anything at all you would like to discuss, please let me know and we can set up a time that afternoon between 12:00-3:00. 

Important Dates to Remember
September 19 Early dismissal
September 25 Orange Shirt Day (info to come)

We have a wonderful and enthusiastic group of children in the class. I know that it will be a happy and exciting year for all of us! 

Ara Van Riel

Here are some photos of our time together so far!

Centres time

Morning table jobs

Learning and exploring in nature

Shaving cream names

Apple tree art

Newsletter #2

  October   31 st   Edition of The Kindergarten Class News Happy Halloween! Another month goes by, and it was full of fun learning! The clas...