October 26th
Edition of
The K/1 Class
What a beautiful week! We all enjoyed the sunny
days and warm weather.
On Monday we continued to learn about the 'a team'
which includes the letters a, b, c, d, e, f, and g. We visited the library and
chose a new book. We also began the 'Friends' program. It is a program designed
to teach friendship skills and resilience to children aged 4 to 7. We also drew
family portraits and shared some of our favourite things to do, eat, and play.
On Tuesday we practiced balancing beanbags in the
gym, had our Oral Language groups and welcomed Quentin Harris back to the
class. Quentin taught the kids a traditional First Nations game, very fun!
Later in the afternoon we created patterns in nature.
Wednesday the kids practiced their math in a number
race game and we wrapped up our spider unit by creating a class book about why
we like spiders.
Thursday was pizza day! The class all enjoyed the
hot lunch. We also went to our Whole School Meeting where Franky, Emma, Jude
and Roscoe read their pages from the spider book to the school. Later our big
buddies came down to read counting books they had made to the class and we explored the swamp. The kids were thrilled to see that the swamp is still dry and they could run around the clearing.
will be having a Hallowe’en Party next Tuesday afternoon starting at 1:30pm and the
children are encouraged to come to school in their costume (please leave weapon
parts at home). If you would like to send along a healthy treat to share with
the class we will have a shared snack in the afternoon. Feel free to pop in!
November 1st will be PJ day! Come to school in your jammies.
November is a very busy month! Please take note of the upcoming events.
to remember:
31 Halloween! Class party in the afternoon
1 PJ day
8 Fulford Remembrance Day Assembly
13 School closed for Remembrance Day Holiday (No school on the Friday!)
20 Photo retakes
Nov. 21-23 Book Fair
29 Early Dismissal for Student Led
Conferences (this is considered your child’s report card so it is important to
be available on this day. Sign up sheet to come).
Have a lovely weekend.
Ara and Kaz
klundgren@sd64.bc.caQuentin teaching the class a traditional First Nations game.
Finding friends while exploring the swamp.