28th Edition of
The K/1 Class
Hello Everyone!
What a busy week!
Here are some highlights:
On Monday the class
learned more about the letter ‘Aa’, visited the library and signed out books to
take home. Please be sure to return these books by Monday each week so that
your child can sign out a new one.
Tuesday was Orange
Shirt Day. It was wonderful seeing all the bright signs of support around the
school all day. We also worked in our journals, explored different kinds of
lines and spent time in the forest.
Wednesday we practiced
our reading, learned more about math patterns and welcomed our First Nations
elder, Quentin Harris, into the class to share a lesson on honour.
On Thursday the class
spent time learning how to play cooperatively with a partner in the gym,
studied the letters in their names, and created beautiful fall inspired art in
the class and in nature.
are all really enjoying the photo board presentations and love looking at all
the pictures. Next week we will also
start regular show and tell. The schedule for this is as follows:
Mondays: Ava, Cruiz and David
Tuesdays: Daynin, Eli, Elizabeth and Emma
Wednesdays: Franky, Jude and Mina
Thursdays: Oliver, Roscoe and Sylvio
Please only send ONE item with your child, as we need to make sure there is time for
everyone to have a turn sharing. We also suggest that items brought in next
week start with the letter B.
We are
still looking for a Class Rep for our class. This is a parent who would be willing to call other parents about
PAC matters and special events. If you would be willing to take this on please
let us know.
Next Thursday is our Fall Garden Harvest Feast!
Students are asked to bring a bowl and spoon with their lunch snacks next
Thursday because we do not have enough dishes for all of the classes. There
will be applesauce, crumble and soup. If you are free to come in on Wednesday
morning (10:30am-11:30am) to help the class make the applesauce please let us
know as soon as possible.
Here are some
important dates coming up in October:
October 5- Garden Harvest Lunch
October 9- Thanksgiving- schools
October 13- School in session
October 24- Photo day
October 26- PAC movie night
Please remember to fill out the criminal record check
(if you haven’t already) if you are thinking about volunteering your time in
class or on field-trips. To access the online request go to: Access Code: DNW8SBGDPQ Thank you!
Have a great weekend!
Ara and Kaz
Playing "Sardines" in the forest
An alphabet matching/sensory table
Making play dough letters and shapes out of rocks
Finding rhyming pairs
Centres play